divendres, 14 de gener del 2011

Recorregut energètic/ Energy saving tour


L’Equip Energètic durant aquest primer trimestre l’hem format dos representants de cada classe de 5è i de 6è. Al final del curs passat ens van fer a nosaltres el recorregut energètic de l’escola i ara l’hem fet als altres nens i nenes de l’escola. Ho hem fet més senzill i més curt pels més petits. Aquest recorregut ha de servir per conèixer l’energia que fem servir a l’escola i per trobar maneres d’estalviar energia.

També hem visitat la sala de les calderes i el quadre central d’electricitat. El Toni, el nostre conserge, és l’encarregat del manteniment de l’escola i amb molta paciència, ens ha explicat com funciona la calefacció i com està distribuït el quadre elèctric.

Ara a les tutories parlarem de com estalviar energia, recollirem les propostes, les valorarem i intentarem portar-les a terme.

L’Equip Energètic de l’escola


During the first term of this course two students from year 5 and two students from year 6 have been the ones in charge of the Energy Team of the school.

At the end of the last course the energy saving tour was made by the older students. This course we are making it for the rest of the school pupils. We have made it simpler and shorter for the youngest students. This tour shows us the energy we use in the school and different ways of saving energy.

We have also visited the boilers room and the school general electric panels. Toni, school caretaker, is the manager of the maintenance of the school and he

patiently has told us how the central heating and the electrical panel work.

Now the tutors will discuss with their group of students of how to save energy, to keep a track of the different things we are doing in the school and we’ll try to carry them out.

The Energy Team of the school

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